ED: Iris Festival

The Iris Festival for inner London schools
17-19th June, 2009
The Scoop at More London

The Iris Festival is a free three-day festival of Classics, run by educational charity The Iris Project (www.irismagazine.org), including plays and performances of Greek drama by London state schools from London’s most deprived boroughs, as well as activities, workshops and talks on Latin and ancient Greek.

Hundreds of pupils from London state schools will be acting on stage. The festival is a culmination of a year’s work with schools, introducing Greek and Roman civilisation and culture in the form of classes and workshops that aim both to teach about ancient languages and culture as well as working into the school’s social curriculum: Greek drama is inextricably linked with themes such as civic and social responsibility. These themes will be brought out both in the plays and in the workshops through discussion and role play.

The festival is an opportunity for children of all ages in inner London state schools to perform in public to a wide audience in an exciting professional venue and a chance for members of the public and schools to enjoy a three-day festival of Classics and Classical drama.

For more information, please contact us using the details below.

Dr Lorna Robinson
Director, The Iris Project
Registered Charity No. 1121868

8 Pond Close

tel: (01865) 308698
mob: 07988 819158

One thought on “ED: Iris Festival

  1. Please could you send details of the Iris Project in London this June.
    The link on this website does not work.

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