Thelxinoe ~ Classics News for October 7, 2023

Hodie est Non. Oct. 2776 AUC ~ 23 Boedromion in the third year of the 700th Olympiad

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Explore the literary world of Tad Crawford, acclaimed author of “A Floating Life: A Novel,” “The Secret Life of Money,” and numerous nonfiction books. With a National Endowment for the Arts award to his name, Crawford is also the founder and publisher of Allworth Press, residing in vibrant New York City. Today, our focus turns to Crawford’s latest fictional masterpiece, “On Wine-Dark Seas,” set against the backdrop of the epic cycle, including the iconic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Uncover Crawford’s unique interpretation of the post-Odysseus era in Ithaca, a central theme in this narrative. In this interview, we delve into Tad Crawford’s creative journey, exploring the genesis of ideas and themes that form the heart of “On Wine-Dark Seas.” Learn how Crawford skilfully integrates mythology into his work, immersing readers in a captivating tapestry of ancient Greece, gods, and human drama. The conversation extends to the rich tapestries of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the broader epic cycle. Discover how Crawford seamlessly weaves these timeless themes into a modern narrative, making “On Wine-Dark Seas” accessible even to those unfamiliar with classic literature. For aficionados of the classics, the novel offers a poetic rhythm that resonates with the essence of these timeless tales. Join us as we navigate the creative mind of Tad Crawford, providing insights into his literary approach, the allure of mythology, and the seamless fusion of classical and modern storytelling in “On Wine-Dark Seas.”

Quam difficile sit bene Graece docere mihi, qui parum sciam Graece loqui!

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‘Sorting’ Out Your Day:

Today on the Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar:

[Saturday] If it thunders today it portends plenty of pulses but not as much wine.

[Sunday] If it thunders today it portends a very loud earthquake.

… adapted from the text and translation of:

Jean MacIntosh Turfa, The Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar, in Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon (eds.), The Religion of the Etruscans. University of Texas Press, 2006. (Kindle edition)

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