Bronze Head of Augustus Found in Aosta

Haven’t seen coverage of this in the English press (or a photo, alas) … bronze head, probably Augustus, some 15cm high:

Il patrimonio archeologico valdostano si arricchisce di una testa bronzea risalente all’epoca romana. Il reperto è stato trovato nel centro storico di Aosta, durante alcune indagini (scavi) in piazza Roncas.

Si tratta di un’applique in bronzo raffigurante una testa virile di imperatore, probabilmente Augusto, alta circa 15 centimetri, e costituisce un reperto di grande importanza per le ricerche archeologiche in quanto si tratta della prima raffigurazione di un imperatore trovata in Valle d’Aosta.

Per l’assessore regionale alla Cultura, Laurent Vierin, “questo ritrovamento è testimone dell’importanza che rivestono gli scavi archeologici quale primo passo per una corretta ‘restitution’del patrimonio culturale”. Aggiunge: “La tutela e la valorizzazione riescono a dialogare e a riconsegnare alla comunità parti fondamentali del proprio Dna storico quali sono i beni culturali. Questo pregevole rinvenimento conferma l’importanza del patrimonio nella conoscenza delle nostre radici storiche”.

Una volta eseguite le necessarie operazioni di pulitura e restauro la testa bronzea potrà essere ammirata nei musei valdostani.

Crime Beat: Bust in Olbia

La Guardia di Finanza di Olbia ha trovato in casa di un 50enne del posto undici reperti di ”interesse archeologico” di probabile epoca Romana.
L’uomo ha recuperato il materiale durante una battuta di pesca subacquea, ed è stato denunciato alla Procura della Repubblica di Tempio Pausania.
Nell’ambito dell’operazione denominata dai finanzieri ”Cocci di Natale”, sono state sequestrate due anfore di epoca presumibilmente romana, un coccio di un anfora e 8 articoli di vasellame vario (piatti, coppette, vasetti) in condizioni ottimali. Il materiale è ora a disposizione dell’autorità giudiziaria di Tempio Pausania.

Citanda: The “New Cleopatra” and the Jewish Tax – Biblical Archaeology Review

Warning: This article contains much that is uncertain and even speculative. You must therefore be over 18 to continue reading. On the other hand, the uncertainties and speculations are clearly marked as such. Moreover, the background of the story is unquestionably true.

This is the true part.

Each Jewish male 20 years or older was Biblically required to contribute a half shekel each year to the Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting) (see Exodus 30:11–16). In Temple times this half-shekel tax was used for upkeep of the Temple. After the Roman legions destroyed the Temple in 70 C.E., the emperor Vespasian imposed the so-called Fiscus Judaicus as a kind of replacement tax, to be used for the upkeep of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus in Rome. Unlike the half-shekel tax, which was imposed only on adult males, the two-denarius Fiscus Judaicus was imposed on every Jew—male and female, young and old, in the Land of Israel and elsewhere.

More: The “New Cleopatra” and the Jewish Tax ~ Biblical Archaeology Review.

Citanda: Under the Influence – Biblical Archaeology Review

How and why and to what extent Greek culture was absorbed into the ancient Jewish world is not always clear, but that it was is undeniable.

To some extent, the answers depend on whether we study Judaism primarily as a separate culture, developed from its Biblical roots in an unbroken line, or whether we study it primarily as part of the wider cultural and religious history of the Mediterranean and the Near Eastern world. Scholars will naturally respond that both approaches are important. Nevertheless decisions taken at the start of any investigation about which aspect deserves more attention will inevitably color our conclusions. How can the right balance be achieved?

More: Under the Influence – Biblical Archaeology Review.

Citanda: EA Latin Students Earn Awards

East Aurora High School hosted the Classical Association of Western New York 2009 Invitational Certamen competition on Sat., Dec. 5. The contest consisted of almost 200 students from more than 10 schools or districts, including East Aurora, Pittsford, Niagara Wheatfield, Bishop Timon/St. Jude, Clarence, Amherst, Williamsville and Orchard Park. East Aurora had 12 students who attained a first-, second-, or third-place award in various categories.

… from the East Aurora Advertiser.