Nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo redux

A couple of years ago or so I mentioned the Valiants Memorial in Ottawa, which honours a handful of folks in 400 years (still not sure about that number) of Canadian military history. It includes a quotation from the Aeneid: No day shall erase you from the memory of time (Book Nine).

Now, interestingly enough — and lost in all the brouhaha over mosques and the like — it appears the 9/11 Museum will be sporting the same inscription … inter alia:

The final descent runs parallel to the Vesey Street stairs, known as the survivors’ staircase, encased in wooden scaffolding on Tuesday. The 37 steps served as an escape route for people fleeing. It stood for years as the last remaining above-ground remnant of the original complex.

There are also several places where visitors can stand between the remnants of the two towers.

Thousands of unidentified remains of 9/11 victims will be stored in the museum, in an area reserved for the medical examiner’s office; an adjacent room will be set aside for family members. These areas will be off limits to the public.

A quotation from Virgil’s “Aeneid”, “No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time,” will be incised into the wall that separates the private and public spaces.

via: 9/11 Museum Going Up In NYC Offers Raw Experience

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