Catching Up With the Classicists

Over the past few weeks a number of Classicists have been mentioned in various news outlets for various reasons … I think I’ve mentioned most of them in my Explorator newsletter, but have been too swamped to mention them here efficiently, so here’s a compendium:

Robert Kaster was named to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences:

Feature on David Soren and his Art History and the Cinema course:

Candida Moss is getting attention for her book about the ‘myth’ of Christian martyrdom:

Barry Strauss was talking Spartacus at the AAR:

Henry Bayerle was interviewed about teaching ancient languages:

Patricia Johnston was talking Aeneid:

Guy Hedreen got a Guggenheim:

… as did Kyle Harper:

Angelos Chaniotis was talking Greek graffiti:

Steven Tuck was talking gladiators:

Eric Robinson was talking Spartans:

Timothy McNiven was talking monsters:

Mary Beard received a nice post: